The story featuring the players of Kalmar Aik Fk, an amateur Swedish team, is making headlines worldwide. In particular, the players have shaved their heads to show their support for Markus Herman, the team captain, who is battling a form of cancer that forced him to immediately halt his athletic activities.
A profoundly touching moment unfolded at the Swedish amateur football club Kalmar AIK, which competes in the fifth division.
This summer, the team captain, Marcus Herman, received a devastating diagnosis – cancer. As a result of chemotherapy, Herman has already lost all his hair, and his teammates decided to show their support.
The players of Kalmar AIK recorded a collective video in which they all shaved their heads bald.
In the final scene, Herman enters the locker room and is overcome with emotion, unable to hold back his tears.
It’s worth noting that former Netherlands midfielder Jean-Paul Boëtius recently announced that he has overcome cancer for the second time in his life.
The story featuring the players of Kalmar Aik Fk, an amateur Swedish team, is making headlines worldwide. In particular, the players have shaved their heads to show their support for Markus Herman, the team captain, who is battling a form of cancer that forced him to immediately halt his athletic activities.
The gesture was recorded and published on the team’s social media channels and is spreading globally. In the video, Herman is seen entering the locker room and immediately noticing his teammates’ new ‘look’, breaking into collective tears as he was embraced by his teammates.
The gesture, however, was not limited to the players alone. Indeed, even the members of the technical staff shaved their heads to express their support for the captain.